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SB40-400096.22 - Basket Punch, small Classic Handle code shaft straight, jaw 45° downbiter right...

Shaft straight, jaw 45° downbiter right
Tip Profile 1.50 mm
Bite Width 1.67 mm
Tip Width 2.89 mm
Classic Handle

24.154.12 - BAUMGARTNER Needle Holders 0,4 regular profile 12,5 cm/5”...

Needle Holders 0,4 regular profile 12,5 cm/5”
with TC Inserts

24.154.14 - BAUMGARTNER Needle Holders 0,4 regular profile 14 cm/5½”...

Needle Holders 0,4 regular profile 14 cm/5½”
with TC Inserts

SB40-090-02CW - Bayonet Clean-Wave Kerrison Rongeurs LOVE-KERRISON Laminectomy Punches...

Non-detachable Width of bite 2 mm Length of shaft 160 mm 130° (40°) Standard footplate